Fylet File Sender


Software information


Freeware (Free)


20 Jan 2014





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Size: 0 Bytes

Downloads: 4074

Platform: Windows (All Versions)

Review by George Norman (Cybersecurity Editor)

on 20 Jan 2014

With the previously reviewed Fylet application you can easily and automatically transfer photos and videos from your Windows PC to your Android smartphone and the other way around. With Fylet File Sender, an application that is also available for Windows and Android, you can easily transfer files from one device to another. After connecting and entering a code, you can send files to another device and you can receive files from another device.

There is nothing complicated about getting Fylet File Sender up and running. On your PC, you just need to download and run an installer, then click through the simple instructions presented by a setup wizard. On your Android, you just need to download Fylet File Sender from the Play Store and install it as you would install any other app.

Instructions on how to use Fylet File Sender are clearly presented on the application’s blue themed interface. Underneath the instructions, the application displays your connection status, your code, a remote device’s code, and a large button that you can use to start sending files.

Fylet File Sender uses codes for the file transfer process. Only after you enter a remote device’s code can you send files to that device. And only after your code is entered on a remote device can you receive files from that device. If you want to send files to a remote device, you must enter that device’s code. And if you want to receive files from a remote device, your code must be entered on that device.

The explanation might sound a bit complicated and confusing, but trust me when I say that using Fylet File Sender is a very simple matter.

Fylet File Sender is free software.

There is so much to like about Fylet File Sender: it is free, it is available for Windows and Android, it is incredibly easy to use, it allows you to conveniently send files to other devices and receive files from other devices.

Fylet File Sender is available for Windows and Android; installing the app on a PC or smartphone is an effortless task. There is nothing complicated about the interface. Connect, enter a remote device’s code and you can send files to that device. If the owner of the remote device enters your code, he can send files to you. Fylet File Sender is freeware.

None that I could think of.

Fylet File Sender


Fylet File Sender Awards

Fylet File Sender Editor’s Review Rating

Fylet File Sender has been reviewed by George Norman on 20 Jan 2014. Based on the user interface, features and complexity, Findmysoft has rated Fylet File Sender 5 out of 5 stars, naming it Essential


out of 5